Amazon Hijacker Removal Service:

The brief

There are 3 types of Amazon hijackers, depends on how they fulfill their product shipment.

  1. FBM Hijackers: They sell on your listing and ship the product to buyers from their factory. This type of hijacker are most likely based in China.

  2. FBA Hijackers: They sell on your listing but their products are fulfilled by Amazon.

  3. Amazon VC Hijacker: They hijack your products from a Vendor Central account, which will show “” as the seller name. This type of hijacker is not possible to remove for now, as they are official Amazon accounts

For Amazon hijacker removal service only need:

  • Amazon listing ASIN- Listing URL,

  • Hijacker name and Hijacker type,

  • Amazon listing marketplace,

Project Description

Amazon hijackers are the other third party sellers who sell under your listing. They don’t spend any effort on listing optimization or images, they just hijack your listings and steal your sales. That’s why they are so annoying that all Amazon sellers want to remove them ASAP. No matter how many FBA, FBM or Amazon VC hijackers are on your listing, Some hijackers can be easily removed within 24 hours. There are a few stubborn ones which may take up to 5 days to get rid of. We will keep trying all kinds of methods until they are gone completely.


Amazon hijacker

Creativity reimagined

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